Fillum therminale surgery for child with Chiari 1
person10歳未満/女性 -
Hello, we are from Canada. Our daughter is 3 years old and has Chiari 1. She also has other diagnosis:
Hydrocephalus ( she has shunt and succeful surhery)
Tetrology Fellot ( had succeful surhery)
Asofagus Festula ( had succesful surgery)
Butterfly spinal bone
Lower spinal cord ( thethered cord syndrome) but doctor said it's not tethered and just a little bit more long than usually.
At this moment she has problems with coordination. And because of two medical conditions on her cerebellum we are looking for doctor who can perform surgery on fillum therminale and possible to get some relief. In Japan is very good medicine and we will highly appreciate if someone can message where we can do this surgery on fillum therminale for our child.
Thank you
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